Domain (domain name) is the name or address of a website on the Internet. The domain can consist of any letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and the symbol "-" (hyphen). For Cyrillic domains from any Cyrillic letters and the "-" (hyphen) symbol. The minimum domain length is assumed to be 2 (for SU, BIZ, INFO and DE zones - 3 characters). Maximum length is 63 characters, total length (with subdomains, separators, and zone name) is limited to 255 characters.
It is better to select the domain according to the theme of your site. Ideally, a domain name should be short, easy to read and understand, and be unambiguous in spelling.
For all websites developed by us, we provide a FREE domain for a period of 1 year and hosting for a period of 1 month.
For our clients, we offer registration, re-registration and transfer of domain names in any zone of Ukraine, Russia and other countries within 1 day.
For more details, visit our website vHosting.
And also on the websites of our partners: